Student Ministry Team
SMT is a team of 14 students, under the direction of our pastor, Fr. John Paul Forté, O.P. We desire to have a diversity of personalities, and perspectives, so that student ministers can be spiritually, intellectually, physically, and emotionally useful for all involved. We seek to provide a transformative encounter for the student leaders where they can grow in a deeper faith as Catholics – in the knowledge and discipleship of our faith, as well, as in the service of their fellow undergraduates, and the Newman Center as a whole.
Liturgy provides prayerful coordination and grounding to the flow of our liturgies and ministers at the Newman Center. We recruit and train liturgical ministers and maintain a schedule for liturgical ministry throughout the year. Students on this committee work closely with the priests, liturgical minister coordinators, and other leaders involved with Seasonal Planning throughout the year. The goal is to allow students to grow and mature in their knowledge of the church’s liturgical traditions and practices, so as to learn how to pray and participate more deeply, and to help others to do the same. To get involved, contact us at liturgy@uacatholic.org

Jamie Benton

Kayleigh Heffelmire

Ben Schultz
Community Life
Community life exists to facilitate opportunities for students to grow in helpful social, interpersonal, and spiritual connections with one another and the Newman Center Community. College can be both an exciting and challenging experience for students as they move into this new chapter of their young adult maturing journey. Newman Centers provide a safe and welcoming environment for Catholic Students and their friends to celebrate faith and life. To get involved, contact us at communitylife@uacatholic.org

Thomas Ziccarelli

Aidan Yanka
Outreach provides opportunities for students to be aware and involved in the life and activities for the Newman Center. The Committee reflects on ways to brand and get the message out on campus, and into the minds and hearts of students and others associated with University Life. There are so many student organizations, clubs, fraternities, sororities, sports groups, and the like, who are often unaware of Newman’s presence. The Outreach Committee strives through campus/Newman tabling, flyers, securing room and campus reservations and funding, to increase Newman visibility and participation for more students. Outreach also prayerfully reflects over greater ways to be welcoming and the facilitate good communication via our website, publications, and through ‘old fashion’ interpersonal communication. To get involved, contact us at outreach@uacatholic.org

Katie Browne

Heather Kwapiszeski

Ethan Farris
Social Justice
This committee exists to provide opportunities for students and community members to experience and live out our Gospel call to “Love the Lord your God with of our heart, mind, and strength; and to love our neighbor as we love as we love ourselves”. God’s call to ‘loving justice for all’ is not simply about being a social activist. It’s a greater call to see and struggle to embody how God sees, respects, and responds to all people, and all that God has made. The Social Justice Committee invites us to prayerfully observe, reflect, and respond to the needs of God’s creation in the faces of the poor, the marginalized, hungry, and displaced. Through volunteer opportunities, talks, community projects, and faith sharing, this committee seeks to invite our Newman Community into a conversation about how we can respond to Jesus call to greater love and stewardship of those “others” in our lives. To get involved, contact us at socialjustice@uacatholic.org

Chaziel Mbah

Freya Abraham

Faith Formation
This committee exists to facilitate active growth and development of the spiritual lives of students. People are in such different places with respect to their faith development. Some are well read on the teachings of the Church, the practice of Catholic devotions, and a variety of external Catholic practices. Others are not so educated or practiced in these things but are more focused on “doing good things” for others. These are those who volunteer and serve with great conviction. They are not so concerned with the externals of the Faith but living it out. Students can fall in the extremes of these, as well, as be any combination of the two. Faith Formation provides wonderful Catholic opportunities for learning, exploring, deepening, experiencing, and sharing the gift of faith that we have received. College classes and life can be challenging, and often raise many questions for students. Newman provides a place to be able to question and doubt respectfully and responsibility, and to move towards truth in a healthy and responsible way. To get involved, contact us at faithformation@uacatholic.org

Michael Whalen

Clare Hotze